Saraki Speech on the Resumption of the Senate Recess

Welcome Address by The President of the Senate, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki (CON) to Senators of the 8th Senate on the Resumption of the Senate from Recess. Tuesday, 29th September, 2015. Protocol: Distinguished colleagues, I heartily welcome you back from our annual recess. I hope you had a very rewarding time with your families and your constituencies. I also hope that the period of recess has afforded you opportunities to reflect on the enormous task before this Senate in the months ahead. I believe that we have all resumed today with greater vigour and higher commitment to serve our fatherland and serve the cause of democracy. In the face of the great challenges that our country faces on different fronts, which urgently demands our attention, we must be prepared to put in the long extra hours to make up for the precious time we have lost for sundry reasons. As we resume today, we must demonstrate clearly to Nigerians that we are prep...